編者的話Part 1: 聖經故事 Unit 1 Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors 約瑟的彩衣 Unit 2 Samson and Delilah 參孫與黛利拉 Unit 3 David and Goliath 大衛與歌利亞 Unit 4 The Story of Job 約伯記 Unit 5 The Good Samaritan 好撒馬利亞人 Unit 6 The Prodigal Son 浪子回頭的故事Part 2: 歐洲文學 Unit 7 The Midas Touch 「點石成金」的教訓 Unit 8 Echo and Narcissus 愛可與納西薩斯 Unit 9 The Myth of Sisyphus 薛西弗斯的故事Unit 10 Pygmalion and Galatea 皮革馬利翁的故事Unit 11 Persephone and Demeter 波賽芬妮與笛米特Unit 12 The Legend of Perseus 柏修斯傳奇Unit 13 The Labors of Hercules 海克力斯的試煉Unit 14 The Tragedy of Oedipus 伊底帕斯的悲劇Unit 15 The Story of Achilles 阿基里斯的故事Unit 16 The Trojan Horse 木馬屠城記Unit 17 The Happy Prince 〈快樂王子〉Unit 18 An Enemy of the People 《人民公敵》Part 3: 英國文學Unit 19 Bruce and the Spider 〈布魯斯與蜘蛛〉Unit 20 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 〈高文爵士與綠騎士〉Unit 21 The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Lady Ragnelle 《高文爵士與瑞格蕾爾小姐的婚禮》Unit 22 Romeo and Juliet 《羅密歐與茱麗葉》Unit 23 The Yellow Paint 〈黃色油漆〉Unit 24 The Man Who Could Work Miracles 〈製造奇蹟的男人〉Unit 25 Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger 〈派克爾泰德夫人獵虎記〉Unit 26 The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire 〈薩塞克斯吸血鬼〉Part 4: 美國文學Unit 27 A Ghost Story 〈鬼故事〉Unit 28 The Other Wise Man 〈第四個賢者〉Unit 29 Hearts and Hands 〈心與手〉Unit 30 Pigs Is Pigs 〈豬就是豬〉Unit 31 A Christmas Dream, and How It Came to Be True 〈聖誕夢成真〉Unit 32 Tarzan of the Apes 《人猿泰山》Unit 33 King Arthur and the Half-Man 〈亞瑟王與半身人〉Unit 34 Ruthless 〈冷酷無情〉Unit 35 Charles 〈查爾斯〉Unit 36 A String of Blue Beads 〈一串藍色珠鍊〉中文翻譯與解答